Monday, May 9, 2011


I've tried, to be happy. This shit ain't working. Someone kill me please? I can't take this anymore... I'm running out of last chances. Please. Stop the pain. I can't handle it anymore. I want to go back to the "numb" stage. Because now I'm hurting like hell.
Someone fucking show me that you care about me, before I loose it. 

1 comment:

  1. Come on Lauren hold it together. I really don't know what to say to you except give yourself time. I don't know exactly what is going on with you but just a little sleep can make all the difference. Putting some good music on can sometime help lift your mood. Works for me anyway when I am angry. I put Prince on and he just calms me down. Dance around your room. What about a favourite cheerful film, anything that can distract your mind long enough to give you a bit of peace and until you can think a bit straighter. Have a good cry till you can't cry anymore. Scream, try to rip up your pillow case (I always used a pillow case after damaging something I loved in a temper as a child - it's almost impossible to rip a pillowcase). Even the worse pain can ease with time. NOTHING lasts forever, not even pain. I've known times when I have just wanted to die there and then on the spot but if you just hold in there - like she says in Gone With The Wind - tomorrow is another day. It;s not going to feel like this forever. So don't make any rash decisions based on how you feel now.
